The method used in this article is mainly based on android (for further more reach to your specific smartphone brand please send in a feedback or request a post)
In this tutorial will shade more light how you can retain your phone book or contact numbers.
Its very often and very simple, easy, how an individual could lose all their phone numbers; changing to a new phone or a different phone, olo phone kuonongeka kumene. These days a sim card is not enough ...too small, Atleast it would have been simple carrying around your contacts via sim but its 250 contacts only :(
Okay so we have a possible way compatible with the latest smartphones.
1. Exporting contacts to memory card or internal memory of your phone.
> On your phone go to contacts, tap on menu
> The menu that pops up, has a long list of selection.
> Find "import/export", select it.
> Another small menu shows up!
> Here make sure you tap on "export to storage" (the storage is either internal memory or SD-card)
> The next screen you see, will ask you to choose contacts you want to export. Make sure you select all then done!
> Immediately the phone will show a loading bar. The phone creates a small file in your storage with an extension ".vcf"
> open file manager, and locate any file in the storage with .vcf and copy this file to where you think it will be safe (PC or SD-card)
> Contacts are now in one place safe!
> To restore contacts to your new phone. Place the .vcf file in your phone storage, go to contacts>menu>import/export>import>locate .vcf file>loading new contacts back to phone.
In another article/ post will talk, about how you can Save contacts to your email account
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