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Showing posts with the label file manager

How to restore a whatsapp backup (offline)

Yesterday, I was explaining to a friend how to restore whatsapp backup of his chats and history chats. And when I reached out on the blog, I realized, I only wrote how to backup whatsapp chat history. I knew I have to show how to restore this backup on a new phone or any other phone. First of all. You must be familiar with "file manager" app on your phone. Be familiar with a "WhatsApp apk" alright here we go. At this point I'd assume you have your backup files in your memory card (.db.crypt12). This is a backup from your old WhatsApp . 1. Open the file manager [internal storage] , and create a folder named "whatsapp". Inside this folder create "databases " folder. 2. Copy ".db.crypt12" files from the memory card or from any stored location but paste them inside your "databases" folder on the phone memory you created earlier. (whatsapp>databases) 3. Now install "whatsapp.apk" and follow onscreen commands. ...

WhatsApp statuses right in your android phone

Hey guys, well today want to talk about how you can get pics, GIFs, or even VIDs from a status your friend or contact are posting. I remember everytime I posted something funny on my whatsapp, people would first watch it from their phone but then still text me back. Asking if I could send them directly. All that stops today, right now! Make sure you have a "file manager" in your phone . When you open your file manager look for a whatsapp folder. Inside you find ;databases, media, backup etc. Open the media folder, here we find lots of folders, but look for anything that says statuses. Below is our path: (Device storage>whatsapp>media>.statuses) Following our path we arrive where whatsapp stores all the viewed statuses before it deletes after 24 hrs. Well what are you waiting for? Copy whatever you can! Time is running out.

Safe keeping your contacts

The method used in this article is mainly based on android (for further more reach to your specific smartphone brand please send in a feedback or request a post) In this tutorial will shade more light how you can retain your phone book or contact numbers. Its very often and very simple, easy, how an individual could lose all their phone numbers; changing to a new phone or a different phone, olo phone kuonongeka kumene . These days a sim card is not enough ...too small, Atleast it would have been simple carrying around your contacts via sim but its 250 contacts only :( Okay so we have a possible way compatible with the latest smartphones. 1. Exporting contacts to memory card or internal memory of your phone. EXPORTING CONTACTS > On your phone go to contacts , tap on menu > The menu that pops up, has a long list of selection. > Find " import / export ", select it. > Another small menu shows up! > Here make sure you tap on " export to storage ...