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Welcome, here you will find products and services, which are strictly for business purposes, In fact, services under this area truly reflect the weight and value of your money. However, for services which include Software installation, activation and virus removal, make an appointment via WhatsApp (tap the three line on the upper right corner, near SEARCH)

  1. Dziwani SRMSThis is a Student Record Management System for primary and secondary schools. Software is available in English & Chichewa.
  2. Reset and create new administrator password on any Windows PCGo beyond the administrator restrictions on any windows PC.
  3. Track every keystroke, processes started on the computerYou can monitor all keyboard activities on your personal or work computer; keeping tabs on employees.
  4. Data recoveryDziwani Phone is a friend in retrieving deleted, inaccessible, lost, corrupted, damaged, or formatted data from secondary storage, removable media or files, when the data stored in them cannot be accessed in a usual way
  5. Pawn-shop businessObtain short term loans by leaving behind valuable items. 
  6. Technician packageThis group of software can help you, open up a tech shop right within your locality. Kudos! to that "Self-starter" spirit
  7. HackintoshMacbook ija ili too expensive, malo mwake titha kungoika macOs muka laptop ka windows komweka.
  8. iPhone servicesiPhone yanu yavuta chani? Get that iCloud removed or bypassed. Terms and Conditions apply!
  9. The DTS chipGPS tracking solution for LAPTOP, CAR, GAME CONSOLE, DJ EQUIP, etc.
  10. Rare BooksGet access to rare books.
  11. Bid and Win: Buy items on auction.