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Share PC internet with Your Android Phone

In most cases we are usually familiar with the concept of sharing internet from mobile device to a computer, thus via WIFI Hotspot, or USB tethering. And this is what we know as the all time normal! But did you know your computer can also share its internet into your android device?
Today is your lucky day!

I am going to share with you what I'd like to call, reverse USB tethering. This is going to be a very simple and short article.

ITEMS required include the following:

1. A desktop or Laptop computer that has working/active internet (preferably Ethernet connection)
2. Android device
3. USB cable

Here we go;

1. On your android device, go to settings and enable developer mode

2. In the developer mode option, Enable USB debug mode

3. On your computer, download two specific files GNIREHTET (gnirehtet.apk, gnirehtet.exe, gnirehtet-run.cmd) & PLATFORM TOOLS (AdbWinApi.dll, adb.exe, AdbWinUsbApi.dll)

4. Create a new folder on your desktop, and extract the contents of the two files we downloaded earlier into a folder renamed "folder" on the desktop

5. Connect your android to the pc via USB.

6. On the computer, search "CMD", open it without any administrative rights

7. Enter the following command cd desktop\folder  hit ENTER.

8. Enter another command gnirehtet install hit ENTER

9. Immediately check on your phone as it will prompt you to give access. 

10. Back to cmd enter another command gnirehtet run hit ENTER 

11. For the second time check the prompt on your android, and accept the connection request. And just like that we have created an internet connection from the PC flowing into the direction of your android phone.

12. Make sure the phone is connected throughout the your internet usage. And if the connection gets disconnected, just reconnect the USB to the phone and begin back on step 8.

The End. For more details don't hesitate to contact me through WhatsApp

For two specific files discussed above, you have two options. Either google and download them on your own or put in a request. 

